The Game:
Baseball Pick'em is a fun alternative to Fantasy Baseball: To play simply pick the winners
of Major League Baseball games each Saturday during the 2006 season.
- To compete in Baseball Pick'em, register on the web site.
- Registration and participating are free!
- Sign up today and we will remind you before the season starts so you can participate.
Baseball Pick'em Rules:
1: Prediction Submission:
- Submit your game predictions by 11pm EST each Friday during the competition.
- Late submission of predictions may not be accepted. If predictions are submitted late or not submitted for a round, the
visiting teams will be selected for you.
- Late or non submitted predictions are not elligible for bonus points.
2: Scoring
Score 1 point for each game you correct predict
Score 3 extra points for picking all games in a round correctly
Score Bonus points during the following rounds:
Round 3: Double Points for American League Games.
Round 6: Double Points for Away team Games
Round 9: Double Points for Eastern Division Games.
Round 12: Pick 5 Games for Double Points
Round 15: Double Points for National League Games.
Round 18: Double Points for Central Division Games.
Round 21: Double Points for Home Team Games.
Round 24: Double Points for Western Division Games:
Round 27: Pick 3 Games for Triple Points.
Score 5 points (per prediction) at the end of the season for correctly the following
(predictions due by April 8)
American League Eastern Division Champion
American League Central Division Champion
American League Western Division Champion
National League Eastern Division Champion
National League Central Division Champion
National League Western Division Champion